ok i know this is about fighting for the gay rights, but this show is fucked up! miss honey is into some ethnic trade, she likes them so much she had to adopt one (who's really bad at acting btw). and the other qween, who's been super insecure about her life for the past 15 yrs or so LITERALLY dropped dead at the end. miss honey didn't even drop a tear and then she's just decided to carry on with a nurse dude... i was like, girl this is just too many things! #badediting #baddrama
我很怕说教纵然颜色极美手法极神大写加粗宽行距的说教还是使我真实头疼但这部有些遇到一个会夹会摇的境确实能共鸣不manipulate让一切sink in的微妙老塔感我很喜欢然后姑且也能明白why do you write like you are running out of time (? 最能relate to狐狸遇到一个会夹会摇的;电影意味的话尤其喜欢桃妖那里田野女儿节祭台忽然树桩那一下;也很喜欢梵高那里太阳和火车前者是遇到一个会夹会摇的想和生命力后者驶向地狱也驶向一百多年前第一次目睹荧幕光影的人群马丁斯科塞斯能在黑泽明电影里出演这么一个满心热爱被灵感焚烧得地动山摧的角色想必极度快乐;年老的笠智众悠悠离去绿水长流石上鲜花静默真是神话般的告别了